15 Tips to Help Your Learn How to Sleep Deeper

15 Tips to Help Your Learn How to Sleep Deeper

15 Tips to Help Your Learn How to Sleep Deeper

how to sleep deeper

If you’re one of the 35 percent of American adults who are sleep-deprived, then you already know how exhausted you feel on less than seven hours of sleep. Not only does missing out on a good night’s sleep make a person feel groggy and grumpy, but over time, bigger health problems like heart disease and diabetes can arise.

But being grumpy is just a minor inconvenience compared to the dangerous affects your choices could have on others. Once sleep-deprived drivers get behind the wheel on less than five hours sleep, they actually pose the same risk as drunk drivers.

Rather than be at the mercy of your erratic sleep cycle, why not consider changing up your habits and see if you can get better results?

If you’re tired of counting sheep to help you fall asleep faster, we’ve got 15 great tips below to show you how to sleep deeper.

Having Trouble Falling – and Staying – Asleep? These Might be the Culprits

Sometimes your body has other things going on that you might not have considered are affecting your sleep pattern. Check out a few of these unexpected influences below:

  • Medications
  • Allergies
  • Insomnia
  • Alcohol or drug use
  • Breathing disorders like asthma, COPD, or sleep apnea
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Travel
  • Narcolepsy
  • Circadian rhythm disruptions like working at night/sleeping during the day
  • Menopause
  • PTSD
  • Snoring

If you’re concerned about any of these conditions, schedule an appointment with your doctor to rule them out.

Lack of Sleep Contributes to Bigger Health Issues:

Not only does sleep deprivation pose more dangerous driving risks, it can also be a huge threat to your health. Both chronic conditions and diseases can develop because proper sleep patterns haven’t been maintained. Among the most common health risks associated with lack of sleep are:

  • High blood pressure
  • Anxiety
  • Heart disease
  • Heart attack
  • Strokes
  • Depression
  • Weight gain
  • Diabetes
  • Immune system compromised
  • Diminished sex drive
  • Infertility
  • COPD
  • Asthma
  • Arthritis
  • Chronic kidney disease

If you’d rather not put your health at risk, then it’s time to get your sleep patterns back on track. Continue reading to learn how to achieve better sleeping routines.

Learn How to Sleep Deeper with These 15 Tips

Take back your health and get a better night’s sleep with our helpful guide below. Not only will you be feeling more energized, but your body will be better equipped to handle whatever daily challenges life throws your way!

1. Snooze That Snooze Button

There are some days when we all just want to have a few extra lingering moments in bed. However, hitting the snooze button over and over again can actually do more harm than good.

Although the snooze button might seem convenient, it actually disrupts that deep REM sleep we desperately need to feel refreshed. Instead, it has a reverse effect and makes us feel even more tired. Do yourself a favor and skip the snooze button; instead just give yourself 20 more minutes of sleep.

2. Nix the Nightcap

While pouring yourself a nightcap (or two) before bedtime used to work for the folks in black and white movies, it’s actually a bad idea. Alcohol might seem like it puts you to sleep faster but once it works its way through your system, you’ll find yourself wide awake.

Whether it’s from that hangover headache in the works or a severe case of dehydration, your sleep cycle will officially be ruined. So do yourself a favor and avoid alcohol before bedtime.

3. Limit Screen Time Before Bed

If you enjoy watching a movie on your iPad or scrolling social media before going to bed, you might want to rethink your habit. Scientific data suggests that the light from your electronic devices interferes with the quality of your sleep. This added exposure to light before going to sleep affects your circadian rhythm.

In turn, your body naturally reacts to the light and interprets it as a signal that it is daytime, stimulating the brain into a wakeful state. Try to eliminate all electronic device activity at least one hour before bedtime.

4. Exercise is Your Friend

If you’re desperate to find a reason to fall deeply asleep every night, then you might want to consider starting an exercise regimen. Although vigorous exercise is best, even just a moderate amount of daily exercise can help people nip their sleep troubles in the bud.

Not only will you be getting in better shape, but your sleep patterns will improve as well. It’s a win-win situation all around!

5. Plugs In, Zone Out

If you’re a light sleeper, are married to a snorer, or live in a noisy neighborhood, then you know how annoying it can be when the littlest noise jolts you from a deep sleep. One way to help curb this disruption is with the help of earplugs. Not only will they block out any distracting sounds immediately, but they are also an inexpensive and drug-free solution.

6. Soak Your Troubles Away

It might seem simple, but taking a warm bath before bedtime is actually an effective way to get a good night’s sleep. Because the heat from a warm bath helps raise your body temperature, it plays a little trick on your brain.

As your body temperature drops when you get out of the tub, it signals your brain you’re ready for sleep.

7. Cut the Caffeine

All it takes is one cup of coffee in the afternoon to turn your sleep schedule upside down. Although it’s very tempting, it’s best to skip that cup of cappuccino with dessert. Avoid staying up until sunrise and drink herbal tea instead.

8. Stick to a Sleep Schedule

Because your body functions with its own internal clock, it responds really well to consistency. Creating and following a regular sleep schedule helps get your body used to a set amount of time to stay asleep. Set a daily alarm as a reminder or try a sleep app to help you track your progress.

9. Pass on the Power Naps

Unless you’ve had a limited amount of sleep the night before, you should probably pass on the power naps. Napping for longer than 30 minutes can greatly disrupt your sleep cycle. Not only that, but it can also wreak havoc on your alertness throughout the rest of the day.

10. Keep it Cool

All of that tossing and turning you do before falling asleep might have something to do with how hot or cold your room is. Because your body temperature needs to drop to signal sleep, if your room is too warm it won’t help.

A warm room will also affect your REM sleep cycle and your dream quality.

If you weren’t already aware, the ideal temperature to keep your bedroom is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit.

11. Give Your Television the Boot

Many experts believe that in order to get a good night’s sleep, you should restrict the activity in your bedroom to only two things: sex and sleep. The elimination of any extra stimulation to the body can make falling asleep a much easier process.

This means your television, along with your late night Netflix binges, are going to have to get the old heave-ho.

12. Don’t Go Cheap on the Sheets

Choosing the right type of material for your bedding can also influence your quality of sleep. Because of their breathability, it’s important to select natural fibers over synthetic.

Pima or Egyptian cotton are both excellent choices that won’t retain body heat like polyester or acrylics.

13. Dump Your Old Mattress

When was the last time you flipped your mattress? If you haven’t made it a habit to regularly rotate your mattress, your body is paying the price. Also the less pressure your body gets over time, the more beneficial it is for your sleep cycle.

A lumpy, worn-out mattress can also throw your body out of balance, so make sure your mattress is in good shape. Check to see how long you’ve owned your mattress and consider buying a replacement. Consumer Reports recommend replacing your mattress every five to 10 years, so go ahead and buy a new mattress if you’re overdue.

14. Lavender Lovers Rejoice

While some of you might have already heard about the soothing benefits of lavender, if you haven’t we’ve got some great news for you. So, if you’re new to aromatherapy, we’ve got some great news to share with you. For starters, lavender is an easy and inexpensive solution to help you on your path to a good night’s sleep.

Lavender has been proven to blast insomnia and help you fall asleep faster with just one whiff. This soft-scented herb can also lead to deeper sleep cycles and faster waking up times. Buy a small sachet and keep it in your pillowcase or sprinkle a few drops of oil on your sheets or pillow at bedtime.

15. Change Your Bedroom Color

Although you might not realize it, the color of your walls can actually make your room feel warmer or cooler. Bright colors like red, orange, and yellow are more stimulating to the senses, so consider choosing a cooler tone like pale blue or mint green.

Blue is an especially beneficial color choice because of its calming association in parts of the brain. The color blue also helps you achieve a longer night’s sleep because of its ability to lower both your blood pressure and heart rate.

Buy Your Next Mattress with Confidence

Now that you’ve got some great tips on how to sleep deeper, we hope you’ll finally get that good night’s sleep! Check back regularly for more valuable insight, like our reviews and guides, to help you buy the best mattress for your needs.

Contact us today and let us know how we can help you choose the mattress of your dreams.

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