The Kmart Cot Mattress Review

The Kmart Cot Mattress Review

The Kmart Cot Mattress Review

It isn’t a secret that Kmart stocks some of the best homeware products at incredible prices, and this has since moved from standard decor items all the way through to mattresses and other everyday essentials.

One such item that Kmart has recently added to their lineup of products is the new Kmart Cot Mattress designed to pair perfectly with the little one’s bedroom.

The mattress has a traditional internal design that has been developed with both polyurethane and polyester which helps to keep costs low; however, you’ll also find that these two materials work well when it comes to support and pressure relief.


Short Summary

To keep things simple, the Kmart Cot Mattress is a low-end and affordable $89 mattress that’s been designed with as few frills and non-essentials as possible.

You’ll find a simple and traditional internal layout that relies on pocket springs and a few minor cotton and fabric infill materials to add to the comfort — though there is not too much else.

When it comes to comfort and experience, sleepers and little ones will find that this mattress is well-ventilated and kept cool thanks to the lack of a solid internal core, which means in the hotter cities across the country you’re going to be in luck.

One welcomed perk of this mattress, however, is the fact it comes with an excellent 5-year warranty, keeping you from having to buy a new model if your original has a fault.


Price of the Kmart Cot Mattress

The mattress is available in just one standard cot size coming in at 69cm wide by 130cm long and 12.5cm deep. The price of the Kmart Cot Mattress varies by discounts, though the standard price is from $89.



As you might expect, with a price tag as low as $89 and with little focus on design and proprietary materials and technologies, you’re not going to find too much comfort when sleeping on the Kmart Cot Mattress — at least the little ones won’t.

The mattress has been described as quite firm and ‘hard’ in a sense, which means you’re going to see very little sinkage space when it comes to body contouring and support when you or your little one is sleeping on this mattress.

On top of this, there are no hypoallergenic features or any other type of perks coming from this mattress, which means you’re essentially getting an old-school sleep surface designed for non-routine use.

It may be better off turning to another brand when it comes to getting a cot mattress, and spending a little bit more will go a long way here.



Things to Note

A few of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to this mattress include the following.


The Kmart Cot Mattress is:

  • Designed with polyurethane and polyester foams
  • Supported by innersprings
  • Rather difficult to keep clean
  • Not built with any proprietary technologies.


In all, this mattress does leave a lot to be desired when it comes to comfort and longevity.



The delivery of the Kmart Cot Mattress costs from $10 in metropolitan areas, and $14 for those living in regional locations. The remote customers will see a $16+ delivery fee coming into play here.


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