The Importance of Morning Sunlight for Better Sleep

The Importance of Morning Sunlight for Better Sleep

The Importance of Morning Sunlight for Better Sleep

The best things in life are free, including the morning sunlight. And just like how healthy balanced meals benefit our bodies, sunlight can give similar benefits.

Did you know our bodies are biologically connected to the sun’s daily cycle? 

Yes, we do sync up the bright star. We increase the production of sleep hormone (melatonin) in the evenings when the sun is down and reduce it in the mornings when the sun is rising. 

Most of us see spending some time outside in the sun as a luxury and, instead, opt to work more hours or watch television as a way of recharging. 

However, research shows that you should spend time in the sunlight for effective recharge, more efficiency in work, and a generally better feeling.

Why Morning Sunlight is Beneficial

Besides a stunning view, the morning sunshine has rays that provide the body with critical biological benefits that aid in its functionality. The benefits are essential in health, ease of functioning, and happiness.

For example, the sun is the best source of vitamin D, a type of vitamin responsible for countering fatigue, improving mental health, maintaining a healthy weight, and even helping aging eyesight rejuvenate. 

Also, the sun is known for enhancing sleep patterns and easing mild depression.

The Health Benefits of Sunlight

There is mounting scientific evidence that suggests a direct correlation between the amount of sun exposure we receive and the quality of our sleep.

Exposure to the sun might be the correct medicine for your sleep, and there are many reasons why. Some of the reasons include melatonin production and access to infrared light. 

Let’s explore this further. The following are ways sunlight can improve your sleep:

1. Exposure to Morning Sunshine Boosts the Levels of Melatonin at Night

Russel Reiter, PhD, a well-respected melatonin researcher in the world, suggests we classify melatonin as a molecule instead of a hormone.

The molecule melatonin has been here for three billion years and is responsible for initiating changes in the biological systems of ancient primitive organisms. 

The changes improved how well the organisms adapted to the environment, especially with the time cycles, day and night and the weather.

Research indicates that darkness helps stimulate the body’s hypothalamus neurons to signal the pineal gland to produce melatonin. However, it is interesting that the body also makes melatonin during the daytime and releases it at night.

A few studies have concluded that exposure to morning sunlight directly increases the amount of melatonin produced by the body for nighttime use. 

One study that focused on 61 elderly individuals found that direct exposure to the morning sunlight around 8-10 a.m. for five days consecutively improved sleep quality.

A 2001 study also suggests that melatonin production starts three hours earlier if you expose yourself to morning sunlight. This early melatonin production is responsible for early bedtimes and, even more, the proper alignment of the body with the circadian rhythms.

And lastly, after reviewing 45 studies about how light exposure impacts our life, researchers agreed that morning sunlight is crucial for a night of healthy sleep.

2. Exposure to Sunlight Boosts the Production of Melatonin During the Day

It’s important to notice that the body produces melatonin during daytime and nighttime. The daytime production, which is relatively low compared to night, helps counter the damaging effects of oxidation.

Each cell in the body produces a significant amount of melatonin after the red and infrared light from the sun stimulates them. The body generates an astonishing 90% of its melatonin this way and uses it to minimise oxidative stress.

The build-up of harmful free radicals is associated with fatigue, a rushed aging process, and other health problems. 

When studying the extent of damage caused by free radicals, researchers discovered that exposure to infrared light increased the amount of melatonin in the cells.

They established a connection between cellular melatonin and the repair of oxidative damage caused by lack of sleep. Also, the researchers found a link to the potential reversal of the decline in cognitive abilities.

3. How Much Sunlight You Get Daily Affects Sleep Quality

The body also derives melatonin from serotonin, a neurotransmitter that enables people to have stable moods. Scientists have always been aware that the more you stay in the sun, the more your body produces serotonin and, consequently, more melatonin.

Satchin Panda, PhD, is a renowned authority in circadian studies and the author of the famed scientific book The Circadian Code. In his studies, he compares the amount and quality of sleep one gets to their daily exposure to the sun.

Satchin Panda’s studies included measuring the quality of sleep in participants who spent their week camping outside, those who worked in the shade, participants who mainly worked indoors but with adequate natural light, and those who worked indoors with mostly artificial light.

Those who worked indoors under artificial lights had the poorest sleep. However, the group that spent their time camping and enjoying a full sun day experienced deep, uninterrupted sleep. Those working outside in the shade or indoors but with enough natural light had a decent sleep.

Some statistics reveal that most Americans spend nearly 90% of their time under artificial light. Get outside and expose yourself to natural light and the sun as much as possible, even during winter.

In another study, this one done on children, researchers evaluated results from 14,000 students and more. The students were ages 7 to 18, and the researchers evaluated their sleep onset time, sleep duration, time spent in the sun, physical activity, and their consumption of tea and coffee.

The more the students exposed themselves to sunlight and physical activity, the more their sleep duration became. Plus, there was a correlation between increased sun exposure and physical activities and the tendency to go to bed earlier.

Researchers at the University of Colorado have found in a recent study that if someone’s exposure to electrical lighting at night increases and their exposure to daytime light reduces, they tend to have a circadian disruption and a changed sleep timing.

The researchers performed two studies on their participants, making the volunteers not use artificial lights for some time. 

The first study involved camping for a week, resulting in a 100% realignment of the internal clock with the circadian rhythm. The second study only asked the participants to camp for a weekend, and the circadian realignment was 69%.

4. Exposure to Infrared Light Helps Sleep

One report shows that approximately 70% of the sun’s light energy, the photons, consists of near-infrared rays. Most of the infrared and red light intensity from the sun is during the sunrise and sunset. Campfires also provide near-infrared and red light.

Near-infrared light is close to the red light in a visible light spectrum. While invisible, these two lights aid healthy sleep cycles.

A study involving female athletes showed they slept better after red-light therapy before bed. This led the researchers to conclude that red light effectively provides a noninvasive and nonpharmacologic treatment for people with sleep disorders.

Some studies also suggest that when the red and infrared light kindle energy production in the cells, specific genes that can help with cognitive impairment, anxiety, depression, and headaches get activated.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a cellular energy, mainly comes from the sun’s infrared light.

When we sleep, certain regions of the brain experience an increase in ATP levels. This observation aligns with the Ayurvedic belief that we need sufficient energy to calm down our nervous system to sleep.

Without enough energy, our nervous system will stay wired, becoming tired, resulting in little sleep. Adequate ATP energy is crucial for the body to regulate sleeping cycles healthily.

ATP can sedate and excite the body’s nervous system. The body requires both conditions for it to balance sleep. For example, deep sleep needs a more sedative type of energy, while REM sleep needs more exciting ATP.

Limited exposure to the sun’s infrared rays can significantly compromise the production of ATP in the body.

5. The Sun’s Vitamin D Supports Sleep

In the mornings and the afternoons, the atmosphere blocks UVB radiation which is responsible for the making of pre-vitamin D. However, the summer months in the southern and northern hemispheres have a midday sun whose UVB rays can reach the skin and get absorbed.

The months of winter in America have a low sun, making it impossible for the UVB rays to reach the skin. This situation makes it challenging for people to get enough vitamin D from the sun.

A 2021 review from professional researchers shows that more than a billion people globally have vitamin D deficiency.

World Health Organization advises that we should not fear sun exposure. Exposure to excess UV radiation only accounts for about 0.1% of diseases in the world.

So, if you want a good, deep sleep that rests your body well, spend some time exposed to the sun.

It’s pretty easy to get sufficient amounts of vitamin D from minimal exposure to the sun during the summer months. Most adults only require about 3,000-5,000 IUs daily to maintain the required levels of vitamin D in the body.

After reviewing nine studies done on vitamin D, researchers concluded that a person with vitamin D deficiency has a higher risk of developing a sleeping disorder. The researchers also linked a lack of sufficient vitamin D to short sleep, lack of drowsiness, and generally poor sleep quality.

You can find the enzymes and receptors of vitamin D in several regions of the brain that help regulate sleep. Also, vitamin D is in the pathway of melatonin production. And lastly, sleep apnea, chronic pain, and leg syndrome that’s restless are associated with a deficiency in vitamin D

6. Morning Sunlight Serves as a Motivating Force for a Restful Night’s Sleep

When it’s morning, the light wakes you up. The eye perceives it and then relays the information to the pituitary gland in the brain. The gland then sends a “wake-up” call to the rest of the body. 

When morning light information reaches the gland, it immediately responds by realising and producing serotonin and cortisol. At the same time, other parts of the body suppress the production and levels of melatonin in the system. 

As the day progresses, the pineal reverts to metabolising serotonin. The process derives melatonin from serotonin. The gradual increase of melatonin helps our bodies slow and wind down and eventually fall asleep when the night settles in.

To kick start the above cycle and sync our bodies with the circadian rhythm, we must expose ourselves and the children to the morning sun.

When the day starts winding down, we give our bodies the raw material to make melatonin.  So, when bedtime reaches, the bodies of the children bodies are ready for sleep.

This way, our bodies get the raw material needed to make melatonin so that when daytime is over, and the sky gets dark, we can easily fall asleep and get the best healthy rest we deserve.

7. Morning Sunshine Boosts Those Feel-Good Hormones

Researchers from NIMH (National Institute for Mental Health) have recently discovered that light can affect the parts of the brain that influence a person’s mood. We’ve mentioned previously that the morning sunlight helps activate serotonin production by triggering specific places in the retina.  

The hormone can boost your mood, helping you achieve calmness or focus on a task. Also, enough research supports the suggestion that serotonin has a significant role in treating depression.

The effects of serotonin are so important that a group of BYU researchers discovered that sunshine had the most significant impact on people’s mood, more than temperature, rainfall, and other environmental factors.

8. Morning Sunlight Benefits Your Health

Humans are diurnal creatures, meaning the patterns of the moon and sun cycles dictate our bodily rhythms. 

Light plays the primary role in synchronising the brain and the body. Dr Ivy Cheung Mason of Havard Neuroscience Research Fellow confirms that properly synchronising the earth’s daily rotation and our biological rhythms is crucial for one’s health.

Did you know that studies show that sunlight aids in increasing white blood cell production? As your child grows and explores the environment, they expose themselves to various bacteria and viruses. 

And so, exposing a kid to the sun ensures the body produces more white blood cells in an excellent position to defend itself from bacteria and viruses.

Allowing your child to bask in the sun safely, preferably in the mornings and the evenings, can drastically improve their health.

9. Presence of Sunlight Aids in the Synthesis of Vitamin D

Astonishingly, the body makes about 90% of its vitamin D after sunlight has struck the skin.

When it comes to the development of a baby, vitamin D has a significant role. It helps the child’s body absorb calcium, a mineral that’s very important for bones and teeth development. 

Vitamin D also helps the body absorb minerals like magnesium and zinc, moderates the growth of cells, reduces inflammation, and boosts the immune system.

So why is the information necessary? Dr Jacob Liberman comments that modern-day diseases like diabetes, cancer, obesity, Alzheimer’s, heart diseases and many more are related to a lack of enough vitamin D.

He continues by saying that cells have mitochondria which act as the engine, and light is its fuel. 

Rays from the sun trigger a chemical reaction inside the cell that kickstarts the engine, producing the energy needed for tissue regeneration, a process that helps new healthy cells develop as the old ones shed.

10. Vitamin D

It’s common for people to use vitamin D and sunshine interchangeably. And the reason is that we rely on sunlight for vitamin D. The significance of vitamin D can be compared to oxygen; it’s vital to human life.

Another group of doctors, mainly naturopathic and osteopathic, have recently started criticising the dosage recommended for vitamin D in conventional medicine.

These experts note that what traditional medicine recommends can only be enough to prevent rickets but not other diseases like heart disease, cancer, and many more. Adults need around 8,000 units of precious vitamin D to maintain the required levels. Others may need even more.

So, how long does someone need to be out in the sun to meet the new dose of 8,000 units? It varies from person to person but generally ranges from five to thirty minutes.

Below are signs associated with vitamin D deficiency:

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle pain
  • Bone pain
  • Issues regarding mood, including depression

If you suffer from any of the above symptoms, consider getting more sunshine exposure, particularly the morning sunlight.

11. Heals Skin Conditions

With skin conditions, sunlight may cause more damage in some cases but can help heal others.

Psoriasis is a condition that makes the skin scaly and flakey. PUVA therapy has proven to be a successful treatment for the disease, and it involves giving the patient a drug that increases the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight, allowing it to absorb more UV rays.

Vitiligo is another skin condition that you can treat with PUVA therapy like Psoriasis. Vitiligo makes the skin become patchy, with some unique pigmentation.

12. Immunity

According to research, almost 40% of Americans have vitamin D deficiency, and across the globe, around 1 billion persons lack access to enough vitamin D.

The body’s immune system relies heavily on sunlight and vitamin D for some of its critical functions, meaning a deficiency can result in more severe issues than expected.

Vitamin D is vital in bolstering the T cells, the primary defence against illnesses. Additionally, vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, crucial elements in preventing conditions that weaken bones, such as osteoporosis and rickets

So, if you feel run down, consider taking a morning walk, a lunchtime or an evening stroll.

13. Healthy Bones

The mineral that ensures our bones and teeth are strong is calcium. For the body to absorb calcium to the maximum, vitamin D from the sun is necessary. Kids with severe vitamin D deficiency suffer from rickets, a disease whose main symptom is bow legs and other bone deformities.

The aging process eats away our bone density gradually. The process starts roughly at age 35, which is unfortunate. However, it’s possible to reduce the risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis by enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning sun outside.

14. Rejuvenates Aging Eyes

Vitamin D3 bolsters the health of the eyes and can keep the sharpness of your eyesight into old age. According to research, vitamin D3 can cause slower macular degeneration. What’s more, the vitamin can also reduce inflammation. 

Keep your eyes closed to avoid adverse effects when looking at the sun. It’s bright enough that you can absorb its benefits through the eyelids. 

15. Supports Healthy Weight and Metabolism

During their investigation into conditions like obesity and diabetes, a group of researchers stumbled upon an unexpected finding: exposure to blue light from the sun causes a reduction in the size of subcutaneous white adipose tissue (scWAT) cells. 

In simpler terms, when subjected to blue light, our cells exhibit a decrease in fat storage.

Also, our bodies tend to experience faster metabolism if exposed to the sun because of the nitric oxide we release. However, don’t overdo it and stay in the sun for long since the rays can also damage you.

16. Sleep Quality

Darkness and sunlight possess significant biological cues: Consistent exposure to the sun daily helps our internal clock stay synced with the circadian rhythm. During the day, we are naturally awake and more energetic, while at night, we effortlessly go to sleep.

The morning sunlight signals your body to slow down its melatonin production, waking you up. In the evening, the onset of darkness signals your body to increase the production of the same melatonin to enable you to sleep.

Our bodies follow the 24-hour circadian rhythms that dictate when we are awake and go to sleep, and other bodily functions, including appetite and hormone regulation.

Remember, waking up at the same time every day will allow you to see the morning light at the same time daily, helping your body regulate its internal clock. 

17. Prevents Chronic Disease

Research connects inadequate sunlight exposure and insufficient vitamin D levels to various conditions, including autoimmune diseases, diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular problems, cancer, and arthritis.

10-year-old longitudinal research on healthy men indicates that those with vitamin D deficiency are twice as likely to suffer a heart attack than those with sufficient vitamin D.

Also, older adults who don’t have access to enough vitamin D supplements are likely to fall.

Sunlight and Mental Health

18. Eases Mild Depression

This disorder affects people mostly during winter when the climate is cold and access to sunlight is minimal. However, it’s easy to alleviate it. It takes only a few minutes in the sun.

Exposure to the sun boosts serotonin levels, also known as the happy hormone. Serotonin hormone can affect a person’s mood, so if you are feeling a little depressed, a regular morning dose of serotonin from the sunshine can help brighten you up.

Melatonin and Circadian Rhythm

Our bodies like being in predictable routines, like the circadian rhythm. Disrupting a routine, you can easily throw your body off the rhythm. The same goes for circadian rhythm. 

When we lack exposure to sunlight, we reduce our intake of melanin, the substance responsible for producing melatonin, the hormone that facilitates sleep. Without access to sunlight to help us make these things, we will feel anxious, depressed, and depleted.

Guidelines for Soaking Up the Benefits of Sun Exposure

  1. Duration

When enjoying the sun, you should stay mindful of the duration you take to avoid burns. Timing depends on your location in the world and the directness of the rays. 

However, we generally recommend exposing yourself to the sun for not more than 30 minutes if you don’t have sunscreen.

  1. Time of Day

For morning hours, we recommend basking between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Hours beyond 10 a.m, up to 4 pm, have direct and more strong rays. 

  1. Sunscreen

If you are spending time outdoors, we recommend you wear sunscreen on areas that will be exposed. It doesn’t matter the skin of your colour, tone or base tan, sunscreen is vital for protecting the skin when in the sun for an extended time. Professionals recommend SPF 30.

How Does Light Affect Sleep?

Generally, all lights affect sleep. Light influences several bodily processes, including circadian rhythm, sleep cycles, and melatonin production.

  1. Circadian Rhythms

The circadian rhythm is responsible for coordinating several body processes, including sleep. It’s a 24-hour clock within the body, and the brain part called the circadian pacemaker controls it. Light heavily influences the circadian pacemaker.

The eye perceives the light using retina cells and then carries the information to the brain, where it’s interpreted, revealing the time of the day. Other body parts receive this information from the brain, alongside other messages like what to do during the day. 

If the type of light around you is only natural light, your circadian rhythm will closely synchronise with sunset and sunrise. 

You’ll stay awake during the day and drift to sleep at night. However, modern society’s electricity produces much light during the day and at night, affecting the circadian pacemaker.

How light alters an individual’s circadian rhythm depends on when the individual is around light. Early exposure to light in the morning schedules early sleep in the evening, and late exposure to light in the evening schedules sleep later.

The effects of disrupting circadian rhythm vary depending on exposure duration and the type of light. The most impactful light is the prolonged one. However, short bursts of artificial light can also drastically affect the rhythm.

Besides throwing off the sleep cycle synch, artificial light exposure can induce other adverse health impacts such as weight gain, worsened metabolism, and even heart failure.

A person’s mental health and mood are also affected by circadian rhythms. For example, people living in areas with short days during winter are prone to a type of depression called seasonal affective disorder.

  1. Melatonin

Melatonin is a type of hormone that’s produced naturally by the body. However, the presence of light in the environment influences its production. The pineal gland ignites the production of this hormone when it’s dark; however, exposure to light slows and halts this process.

A rise in melatonin levels in the body increases drowsiness in a person. That’s why an abundance of this hormone in the body facilitates sleep. Melatonin production follows a daily cycle that reinforces the body’s circadian rhythm, promoting a more stable sleep and waking schedule.

Patients with sleeping disorders can take synthetic melatonin as a dietary supplement to help alleviate the symptoms,  but they must strictly follow their doctor’s prescription.

  1. Sleep Cycles

An average sleep period has four to six cycles lasting 70 to 20 minutes. The cycles have several sleep stages, including rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (non-REM).

When sleeping exposed to light, your transition between sleep cycles is interfered with, reducing your sleep quality. Excess light can cause multiple awakenings, blocking you from achieving deep, restorative sleep.

Circadian Rhythm Disorders

Circadian rhythm disorders occur when your internal clock has stopped functioning correctly, misaligning you with the rhythm. Many types of these disorders are related to a person’s light exposure pattern.

  1. Jet Lag

Jet lag is a type of disorder resulting from travelling long distances in a plane. Usually, it occurs when a person travels across more than five time zones. The traveller’s internal clock is usually still tuned with the timezone of their place of departure.

When introduced to a new time zone, the circadian rhythm throws off before finding balance. Therefore, the person may find falling asleep hard, automatically waking up earlier than intended, or feeling excessive drowsiness during the day.

One must get used to the new time zone to alleviate jet lag.  You can achieve this through specific daylight exposure and retraining of the internal clock. The process can take up to two weeks.

  1. Shift Work Disorder

Shift work involves working in the evenings or overnight. These shifts cause a shift work disorder because the worker is not in sync with the circadian rhythm. According to The Bureau of Labor and Statistics, about 16% of American workers work overnight or in the evenings.

Other Circadian Sleep-Wake Disorders

Circadian rhythm disorder in an individual can happen when they are too far back or forward than their internal clock. These conditions occur according to the individual’s behaviour or light exposure.

One of the common treatments for circadian disorders is called light therapy. It involves regularly sitting the patient close to a high-powered lamp to retrain their internal clock.

What Types of Light Affect Sleep?

All light affects sleep, but the impact is different. Daylight has around 10,000 Iux, while bright office lights rarely manage 500x. Because of intensity differences, daylight’s impact on sleep and circadian rhythm is more profound.

Artificial lights also have differences. Some are bright, and others have different wavelengths etc. Therefore, not all artificial lights have the same effect on the eye and the brain.

For example, the blue light produced by many LEDs has a short wavelength. Studies indicate that blue light, with its short wavelength, significantly affects sleep more than light with a relatively longer wavelength. Most electronics have this type of light, and their extended use can cause sleep problems.

Is It Best to Sleep in Pitch Darkness?

Generally, sleeping in an environment as dark as possible is advisable. Complete darkness minimises potential disturbances and distractions that can interfere with sleep.

Light can easily interfere with sleep, resulting in a disrupted sleep cycle or fragmented periods of sleep. The downsides of having lights on may affect you greatest during waking hours.

According to research, when sleeping in an environment with light, the eyelids cannot block all the light to create enough darkness. Therefore, the small amount of light passing through affects the circadian rhythm. 

Besides promoting quality sleep, there are several other reasons why pitch darkness is the best for sleep:

  • Eye strain: During sleep, even the dimmest lights can strain your eyes, resulting in tiredness, discomfort, soreness, and difficulty focusing.
  • Weight gain: Having the lights on while sleeping affects the regulation of the body’s metabolism. This can increase the risk of gaining weight, even when sleeping peacefully and not disrupted.
  • Cancer risk: An observational study relates people with brighter levels of artificial light in their homes at night with a higher risk of having prostrate and breast cancer. However, the study didn’t demonstrate caution. So, we recommend further research.

The various potential outcomes resulting from excessive usage of artificial light in the bedroom highlight the possibility that exposure to the light can disrupt the circadian rhythm, which is crucial in supporting various aspects of physical and mental well-being.

How Can You Adjust Your Bedroom Environment to Get the Best Sleep?

The first and most important step is to ensure the room is dark enough. Consider using blackout curtains, which can block most of the external light.

For the lights, use dimmable ones. These can transition to pitch darkness. Also, ensure your lights are warm and temperature and low illuminance. These features will help you relax and transition into sleep mode.

The next step is installing technology in your bedroom, including TV, smartphones, speakers, etc. Get rid of them so you can focus on sleeping. If not possible, reduce usage. Spending time on the screen will disrupt circadian timing and sleep.

Still, on technology and electronics, ensure their brightness is as low as possible. Consider getting blue-light-blocking glasses that can help reduce the impact of blue light. Many devices have a “night mode” installed, which helps reduce glare and minimise their blue lights.

What About People Who Sleep With the Lights On?

People have different preferences. Some cannot sleep in the dark, while others do not want to sleep with the lights off. Let’s look at ways you can reduce the impact of light if you can’t sleep in the dark or you’re with a person who can’t.

Personal Preference

While you may be comfortable sleeping in a dark room, some people do not like the idea and prefer light.

If this is the case, then the light should be at its dimmest level. Consider installing a light with a timer to automatically turn off even after sleeping while it’s on.

If your fear of darkness is profound, consider consulting a mental doctor to help you overcome it.

Lighting a Path to the Bathroom

To reduce the risk of falling when walking to and from the bathroom at night, especially in older adults, have some lighting on the bathroom path. The lights help with night vision.

However, to address the lights on the bathroom path at night problem, you first have to ensure the floor does not have cords, rugs, and other items that are easy to trip on.

Next, install motion-activated lights in the path and other hallways since they are good at delivering low lights only when necessary.

Bed Partner Keeps a Light On

Not all people are the same. Some bed partners prefer the lights or TV on when sleeping. 

If that’s your partner, take time and have a conversation with them. You should find a way of having the lowest amount of artificial light in the bedroom, even if it means lowering the TV brightest to its lowest setting.

Another option is to wear a fitting sleeping eye mask. It may help contribute to good sleep quality. 

Falling Asleep With the TV On

Sometimes we doze off when the TV is still on, especially if installed in the bedroom. However, the problem is that the artificial light from the TV and noise create an environment for poor sleep quality.

The best way to overcome this problem is to take the TV away from the bedroom. However, if it isn’t practical, check the TV to see if it has sleep time that can automatically turn it off when set.

Is There Ever a Time When Sleeping With the Lights on Is Better for You?

Experts recommend you always sleep in the dark except during the day when taking a nap. Also, remember that a daytime nap should be at most 30 minutes since you want to avoid slipping into a deep sleep that will upset your circadian rhythm.

What Other Steps Can Improve Sleep and Circadian Rhythm?

Patients with sleeping problems that have lasted for a long time need to seek professional help from a doctor. Consult your doctor first before seeking more specialised care. 

Additionally, you can work on your sleeping hygiene and improve it while attempting to reset your circadian rhythm. Avoid excess caffeine intake, be consistent with your sleeping schedule, and exercise regularly.

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