39 Natural Home Remedies for Bed Bugs

39 Natural Home Remedies for Bed Bugs

39 Natural Home Remedies for Bed Bugs

Bugs can infest your bed even if you maintain high levels of hygiene in your home. This is because you may get one from any place you visit, or your visitors can also carry some to your home.

While regular laundering of bed linens can significantly lower their population, you may need some powerful natural home remedies to ensure your bed is free of bed bugs permanently. 

The bugs prefer warmer climates but can live just about anywhere. It’s a real uphill battle to eliminate them if they’re home in your bedding or furniture.

The following are some of the reasons why you might want to try a more organic approach:

  • It’s the cheapest (or even free) option.
  • There’s no need to wait for an exterminator’s appointment before taking action.
  • You don’t have to deal with the hazardous chemicals used by exterminators.

Most of the experts’ recommended solutions call for, at most, what you already have at home. But in cases where more items are required, they are almost always cheap.

This post will look into some of the best natural home remedies to eliminate bed bugs and have that long peaceful night again. 

Let’s get started!

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are tiny bloodsucking insects that can bite through the skin. They are nocturnal and skilled at hiding in dark, soft areas and cracks. As a result, the mattress is a perfect place for them to set up housekeeping; therefore, the moniker “bed bug.”

They’re so small that they’re difficult to see or notice until they start biting on you and your loved ones. While there hasn’t been any scientific proof that bites from these bugs can cause diseases, they can be irritating and disturb your sleep.

Where Do Bed Bugs Come From?

Bed bugs may come from any place outside your house; hotels, friends’ places, or even second-hand furniture and clothes.

Infestations can also spread if a neighbour on the same side of a shared wall drops a bug bomb. These creatures’ high level of intelligence helps them detect danger and flee the area for survival. When someone releases the poisonous gases, the occupants seek refuge, usually at a neighbour’s home.

Their bodies are highly elongated and flattened. That makes it possible for them to squeeze through excellent openings.

Bed bugs can conceal themselves almost anywhere when they are not feeding. You’ll find them in crevices in the headboard and frame and around the seams, piping, and tags of your mattress and box spring.

You might discover bed bugs in badly infected places like:

  • The cracks of sofas and loveseats, beneath cushions, and behind drapes.
  • Joints in drawers.
  • Appliances and outlets that use electricity.
  • Behind dangling pictures and peeling wallpaper. 
  • At the intersection of the wall and the ceiling.
  • The screw’s head  

Bed bugs are around the size of a credit card, meaning they may hide almost anywhere. A credit card-sized aperture is big enough to conceal a bed insect.

Bed Bug Feeding Behaviour

Bed bugs, which are nocturnal insects, typically attack when you’re asleep. They are very aggressive in their search for a blood meal and will begin feeding when your skin touches the sheets. They start biting in one place and move on to other areas, leaving a bite line.

Once the host disturbs bedbugs, they migrate to a new location nearby. In general, they do not eat in a three-bite pattern. Once they begin sucking blood, they won’t stop until they’ve had their fill.

However, bites from bed bugs can emerge seemingly randomly — probably due to a feeding frenzy among a group of bedbugs.

You would think that some of the numerous bites that occur during the night would register on your skin. The anaesthetic in their saliva and the needle-like precision of their straw-like mouth means you won’t feel a thing. Bed bugs can finish their meal in three to ten minutes because their saliva includes an anticoagulant that prevents blood clotting.

Bed bugs can hide almost everywhere, but they prefer to be within eight feet of their human hosts, where they can find the most blood. They stuff themselves to the point of not needing to feed at night. Instead, they return to your bed for another feeding after you’ve given them five to ten days to digest your blood, at which point they will mate and lay eggs. 

Bedbug Bites

Bed bugs have strong beaks that penetrate the flesh and draw blood from you. The insects feed for three to ten minutes until they are satisfied and crawl away.

An itchy area of skin could indicate a bedbug bite. The bites typically appear red on those with pale skin tones. They may be purple on those with darker complexions.

Bedbugs typically leave clusters of bites in a zigzag or straight line, although they may also leave bites randomly. Bite marks can take up to two weeks to appear, so you might not notice them immediately.

Bedbug bites, which frequently appear on your neck, face, or hands as you sleep, are different from flea bites, which typically occur around your ankles. The bites also lack the red mark that flea bites have in the middle.

You could assume that other factors, such as insects, are to blame for the itching and welts. You need to locate and identify the bugs to confirm a bedbug infestation.

Signs of Infestation

Bed bugs are primarily active at night and in darkness, meaning they will be busy feeding and reproducing while you sleep. Their long, pointed beak punctures your skin and sucks blood. They have a three-minute minimum and a ten-minute maximum for each feed. 

After feeding the bugs, they sneak back to their hiding places. Bites from bedbugs are often painless at first but can become irritating and itchy after a while. Bedbug bites seem similar to mosquito bites, so it’s easy to mistake them for them. The best way to know if bedbugs are present is to look for them yourself.

There are numerous indicators of bedbug infestations on mattresses and surrounding surfaces. The tiny black spots you see could be bug poop or tiny, pale yellow eggshells. Others include: 

Bites on the Skin

The most telltale symptom is the appearance of bite marks on the skin. Bed bug bites, in contrast to flea bites, tend to cluster. They will be lined up in a row since these carnivorous creatures prefer to move up your arm or leg while sucking blood.

Red and Rusty Stains

The red and rusty spots are often blood from the victims of bed bug bites. However, it could be your blood from their bites or the blood of the creatures you squish after they’ve finished feasting.

Black Dots

Every living thing has an excretion mechanism, and bugs are no exception. The dark spots and stains you notice are a combination of faeces and the skin the infants shed as they mature.  

Egg Shells

Keep an eye out for microscopic flecks of ivory material on your mattress, furniture, or carpet; they are difficult to see due to their small size and light colour.

Living Bugs

Once in a while, you might even run into one of these creatures. They’re pretty minuscule, but you can make out the rare ones. After eating, they’ll swell and get brighter red, making them easier to spot.

Myths About Home Solutions to Eliminate Bed Bugs

There are some do-it-yourself approaches to eliminate bed bugs. You may have tried these strategies, but you need help to do so. Here are the things you should no longer use:

  • Rubbing alcohol – While spraying rubbing alcohol in hiding spots may kill many bed bugs, there are likely many more in the wild. Spraying rubbing alcohol on your bed or furnishings might also be dangerous because of the fire risk. 
  • Mothballs –You can expel insects from your clothing and linens with mothballs, but they won’t help you eliminate bed bugs. 
  • Dryer sheets –Most people assume that bed bugs will go if they wipe down their beds and furniture with a dryer sheet. But, no evidence suggests that this will effectively eliminate such pests. 

Natural Home Solutions to Eliminate Bed Bugs

This section will teach you a few effective natural home remedies for eliminating bedbugs.

Before going to extermination, thoroughly clean each space. Reduce bedbug populations by clearing clutter. Make sure your clothes are free of pests. If you see any of the above symptoms, it’s time to give everything a good wash. If the items need dry cleaning, check the labels and take them to the dry cleaner. 

Warn them about the pests so they can thoroughly wash their clothing. Look for cracks and clear them out. As quickly as possible, plug these openings to cut off the bedbugs’ escape route. Here are some quick and easy ways to get rid of bedbugs at home:

1. Vacuum

Use a powerful vacuum cleaner with a strong hose attachment to pick up the infants. If you pick this method, you should hoover at least once every several days. Use the vacuum on your mattress, pillows, and other soft furnishings.

Beginning on higher ground, cautiously work your way down the floor, paying close attention to the seams and fissures in the carpet, flooring, and walls. You should thoroughly inspect fans, laptops, and other electrical devices.

After that, put the vacuum bag in the trash outdoors, as far away from your house as possible.

2. Steam Cleaning

Use steam cleaning in the areas a vacuum cleaner cannot reach; best alternative. Bedbugs and their eggs will perish when exposed to temperatures above 140 ℉. Ensure you correctly read and follow the steam cleaner’s directions to protect your furniture.

Bed bugs can be eliminated from a bed and box spring using a steam cleaner. According to studies, one of the best methods to rapidly kill bed bugs is to subject them to extreme heat. Hiring an expert steam cleaner or hiring a cleaning service is better. 

The staff may provide you with a thorough assessment of the insect condition at your home and recommend the most appropriate remedy. Depending on your preferences, needs, and budget, you can select from three types of treatment: hot, cold, and chemical.

3. Thorough Laundry  

Ensure the care labels indicate the items are washable in hot water and dried in a dryer. Get rid of these pests by washing all of your clothes and bedding. You can eradicate the bugs with hot water and drier heat.

4. Silica Gel

The moisture-proof packets commonly used in grocery stores and shoe stores have another potential use: insect control. Crush the beads into a fine powder and disperse them in and around the problem regions. 

Avoid this method if you have children or pets, as inhaling or coming into contact with silica is dangerous. You can use baking soda instead because it achieves a similar result.

5. Scented Dryer Sheets

Dryer sheets have a strong odour that might drive insects away and even urge them to look for new living quarters. This is an excellent short-term fix, but eventually, they’ll find another friendlier spot in your house.

6. Hair Dryer

If you need to get some shut-eye but can’t wait for the other remedies to kick in, you might use a hair dryer on high heat. Because the heat will kill the bugs, you can relax and get some shut-eye without worrying about becoming someone’s food.

7. Stiff Brush

Scrub the mattress’s seams with a hard brush to expel any bed bugs or eggs adhering to a surface that has been resistant to the suction of a vacuum cleaner.

8. Double-sided Tape

Wrap this around the bedposts down to the floor along the perimeter. In this manner, any insects that attempt to join you in bed will be unable to do so since they cannot get beyond the first barrier.

Be careful not to undermine your attempts by dragging blankets over the floor as you move about the room. If you fail to keep clothing, pillows, or blankets from the floor, enterprising bugs will ride on them.

9. Baking Soda

Baking soda may remove moisture from food stored in the refrigerator; however, it can also remove water from the bodies of bed bugs. Spread this powder on any area with bugs, like cracks and crevices, to put it to use. Always remember to vacuum the area and reapply the solution every few days.

10. Hot water

Thoroughly wash your bedding and clothing in hot, steamy water occasionally or immediately after you suspect they may have been infested with bed bugs. However, it is crucial to ensure the linen can withstand heat before tossing it in hot water for a proper wash. 

Because the pests become exhausted from the high temperatures, heating is an effective means of eradication. Give your linens and clothing an extra heat boost by throwing them in the dryer. There is little hope for the bed bugs now.

11. Diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth is a practical option if you’re looking for a chemical-free product that can eliminate multiple pests, like bed bugs. The bed bugs die from a lack of water because of this. 

It could take up to seven days before you start to observe improvements. Diatomaceous earth is readily inhalable; therefore, use caution when working with it. Wear gloves and a face mask to protect yourself from any potential harm. 

For this purpose, use only the diatomaceous earth formulation approved by the EPA. 

12. Black Walnut Tea

Tea made from black walnuts has antifungal,  antimicrobial, and insecticidal properties that could help you eliminate the pest. 

So, don’t throw away your spent black walnut tea bags; instead, put them in places where bed bugs are likely to hide. All you need to do is take used tea bags and place them in sections of the home that are plagued by pests. 

This includes spaces such as those between floorboards and walls. You can use dry tea leaves to free your mattress and linens from bedbugs and their eggs. 

13. Tea tree oil

Try using tea tree oil to eliminate the bed bugs in your house. In addition to its well-known antimicrobial, antiviral, antiseptic, and antibiotic qualities, tea tree oil is an effective antiparasitic, killing off parasitic insects like bed bugs. 

This treatment is optimal for a moderate infestation alone. Apply 20 drops of tea tree oil to a spray bottle full of water and then spray the solution on the bed, cushions, cabinets, and drapes. The only way to eliminate them is to wash all clothing, linens, and bedding in hot water. 

In addition to its pleasant aroma, tea tree oil’s antibacterial characteristics make it a helpful household cleaner. On touch, it destroys bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

The oil poisons the insects internally, causing them to suffocate and die. But it works best when applied straight. Unfortunately, it’s not safe for human consumption in its pure form. 

However, spraying weak tea tree oil throughout the house may provide some benefit, if not at least a pleasant aroma. 

14. Cayenne Pepper

There are additional options for treating bed bugs at home; hot pepper, oregano, and ginger. Mixing the potent scent of oregano essential oil with the spicy flavour of ginger and cayenne pepper can deter bed bugs, but it won’t kill them. Together with other strategies, it can help keep these pests at bay. 

A powerful solution is a cup of water, one drop of oregano oil, a teaspoon of cayenne pepper, and a teaspoon of crushed ginger. Put everything in a pot and bring it to a boil; this should take around seven minutes. After that, strain it and put it in a spray bottle. Infested rooms should have the solution sprayed on all probable access points. 

Along with all-natural ingredients like ginger and oregano, Cayenne pepper can instantly eliminate a bed insect infestation. Follow these steps to create this all-natural remedy:

  • Combine ground ginger, cayenne pepper, and oregano oil using a teaspoon.
  • Put the ingredients through a filter and into a water-filled spray bottle.
  • Use as much spray as you like.

15. Lavender  

You might be surprised to learn that lavender can be used to fight bed bugs, given its more common association with calm and peace. Spraying lavender oil on potential bed bug-hiding areas is similar to using tea tree oil. 

The Lavender essential oil has no known adverse effects and is safe to use around animals and humans. On the other hand, you can use the pungent aroma of peppermint oil to expel these pests. If you mix the two, you’ll have a natural spray that can help you eliminate bed bugs.

The odour of lavender is revolting to a bed bug and may be fatal. However, the vast majority of humans perceive the aroma to be pleasant. Cleaning items with lavender detergent, spraying essential oils, and applying leaves over afflicted areas can triple the efficacy of this remedy.

16. Peppermint Leaves

The effects of peppermint leaves are identical to those of lavender leaves and oil. Use the same tactics, and remember to constantly hoover up old leaves and replace them with newer versions after a while.

Peppermint fragrances can effectively ward off bed bugs, and you can add them to your items. It will be strong enough to drive away bugs when it peaks. It is understated enough not to start sneezing or feeling queasy.

Put it on your skin immediately before it can spread through the air. These essential oils are so popular that candles with infused scents are now available.

Peppermint oil is an all-natural, multipurpose fragrance. Some research by insects at Colorado State University-Pueblo suggests that this distinctive odour can successfully ward off bed bugs.

17. Sweet Flag

This tall shrub, commonly found in wetland areas, is also an efficient bug repellent. You can buy the herbal alternative in a pre-measured packet that, once diluted with water, can be sprayed all over the home.

18. Bean Leaves

Bean leaves have a similar effect on insects, like bed bugs, as flypaper made from natural materials. In 1943, scientists observed that the minute hairs on the plant’s leaves worked to entwine and impale the limbs of the animals that ate them. Throw the leaves on the floors of any room with unwelcome occupants, and get ready to be astounded by what happens next.

19. Indian Lilac

Indian lilac leaves work similarly to other herbal treatments made from plants. The leaves can be crushed and dispersed. You might also cook the leaves, drain the mixture, and add it to your bathwater. As a result, bed bugs will no longer feed on you!

You can apply this method to infestations in closets and clothing. Spritz the solution throughout the couches, houses, and wardrobes to deter these pests.

20. Thyme

You’ve heard of folks burning sage to purge a house of evil spirits. Eliminate bugs by burning a bundle of thyme tied with a rag. This will take time, so you may need to do it every few days until the pests are gone.

21. Mint Leaves

Mint leaves have curative and preventative properties. Crushing leaves and scattering them around your home’s entryways will deter them. Some people also use them on the bed or in the closet without any worries.

22. Beauveria Bassiana

Although the description may sound frightening, Beauveria Bassiana is a fungal parasite from insects’ blood. It fights bed bugs with ferocity, rendering them unable to reproduce, immobile, and unable to feed on blood.

23. Lemongrass

Lemongrass, in contrast to some of the other natural remedies, really suffocates the insects rather than just driving them away. The acid levels are deadly to the insects as well as their eggs. The fact that they find the odour offensive contributes to its effectiveness as a repellent.

24. Clove

Cloves provide a number of the same functions as lemongrass. Cloves and clove oil are great alternatives if the aroma of lemongrass differs from what you like. Experts also suggest sprinkling clove oil on beds and pillows to prevent bedbugs and other pests from moving in.

25. Pyrethrum

A chrysanthemum, often known as a mum, is a brilliant flower with many hues. It does this by assaulting the nervous system, making it an effective natural killer.

26. Vinegar

You can drive away bed bugs with vinegar-scented products. Wine-like aromas turn off the bugs. They run for cover. Naturally, you should be conscientious about washing linens every day.

Scents infused into the fabric will intensify overnight, outperforming sprays that sit on top. Having pets necessitates using something that won’t hurt them. Because you never know when your dog or cat might lick or scratch them or if they might lick or scratch yours.

27. Garlic

The pungent odour of garlic is another effective method for warding off these pests. While effective, it may not be to everyone’s taste. If you want to eliminate your bug problem, you might be willing to put up with the odour.

Anyone who has cooked with garlic knows how potent the aroma can get if it lingers in the air for too long. It will take some practice before you feel comfortable employing this strategy against them. But who knows?

The pungent aroma of cloves fills the air when a fresh garlic bulb is cut open. This chemical compound can provoke anxiety or irritation in bed bugs. It might make them reconsider coming back in!

28. Alcohol Peroxide

This can be applied directly to bed bugs as a direct killer; however, it is less effective than isopropyl alcohol and marks because it is a bleaching substance. If you prefer straight rubbing alcohol instead of hydrogen peroxide as a contact-killing application, please do so.

29. Borax

Borax is a natural home cleaner that suffocates bed bugs to death. Use by liberally sprinkling borax over your mattress. To stifle the bugs, leave it for at least 24 hours. While bed bugs won’t consume the borax, they will find breathing difficult if exposed.

30. Vicks

The aromas found in Vicks VapoRub are also effective in driving away bed bugs. Use a small amount to fill up the crevices and seams on the underside of mattresses and inside the mattress. Focus on the spots where you’ve seen these pests crawling around at night.

Allergy and sensitisation sufferers will notice a significant increase in the intensity of these odours. Scented candles are another method to deter them from entering your bedroom. When you want them to go somewhere else, experts advise against this.

People have used vapoRub for centuries as an effective cold cure and energy enhancer. The air is fresh and has a minty aroma, so put some on the inside and outside of your nose. 

31. Paraffin Oil

Paraffin oil scents are often not overpowering, so those with sensitive noses may not notice them. But formidable enough that unwanted visitors will think twice before returning.

In the same way that aromatic candles and candles can be relaxing, so can these scents. They emanate strong smells and burn at elevated temperatures, both offensive to bed bugs. You may relax knowing you won’t have to bother blending things separately.  

32. Rubbing Alcohol

Even the smell of rubbing alcohol might keep the bed bugs away. Put some in a spray bottle and mist the interior of your home. When these aromas reach their full potential, they will be effective enough to keep bed bugs away without triggering a runny nose or nausea. 

The problem is that aromatic rubbing alcohol continues to receive universal criticism. It has a smell unlike any other and irritates their eyes.

Spray the air with this fragrance if you locate these insects in a particular area. Never again will they want to be around you! However, some people are put off by these fragrances because they can potentially leave a lingering “hospital” odour in the home.

33. Blood Orange Oil

Another excellent oil for bed insect repulsion is the aroma of blood oranges! However, it is better to purchase small amounts for this use because they are pricey.

Blood orange odours will also become potent enough to drive away these pesky insects. And nobody else in the home is aware of it. Once applied, be careful not to get them on your skin or clothes because they may irritate you.

According to studies, this orange essential oil is among the most incredible natural oils for warding off bed bugs. This implies that there are numerous ways to use it. Apply some as a repellant directly to the skin or pour it into your diffuser.

34. Powdered Pepper

Scents in powder form are great for creating oils! Due to their potent odours, they can be an excellent natural bed bug deterrent. This one is the only aromatic powder that effectively combats these pests while not being overbearing!  

Anywhere you place it, the aroma will build up to a sufficient level. 

Examples are the corners or cracks in the walls. And please note that it will persist for a few weeks, depending on how often you walk over it after installation. This makes powdered smells ideal for keeping pests like bed bugs out of your home during the season!

35. Lemon

Bed bug-repelling lemon fragrances are fabulous. Experts advise that using these fragrances can drive away these unwanted guests. Bed bugs are sensitive to their odour in at least one research.  

Simply remove any potential hiding places they may have. You can use these fragrances alongside your standard housekeeping practices. That is if you want to avoid creating a massive mess in your residence.

36. Cinnamon

You can use the aroma of cinnamon to ward off bed bugs. Just fill a spray bottle with water and add a few drops of cinnamon oil for a pleasant aroma.

This aromatic concoction will deter pests from returning. Avoid getting it on your skin or clothing if you have an allergic response. Some people may be allergic to this fragrance blend.

37. Neem Oil

Fragrances containing neem oil are from the neem tree. You can use them as scented oils to ward off bed bugs. This is because it emits odours that are overpowering to these pests.

According to research conducted at Iowa State University, neem-scented oil is one of the most effective all-natural deterrents for bed insect populations. You need to investigate getting some and using it as a bug spray.

Neem oil, used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years, is only now being rediscovered. In just a few easy steps, you can protect yourself from or eliminate bed bugs with this potent natural cure.

38. Spearmint Oil

Bed bug oils that smell like spearmint are also effective deterrents. This is because it emits odours that serve as a deterrent to these pests. Due to its intense menthol concentration, peppermint oil is an excellent option for keeping bed bugs at bay. It can also be used as a contact pesticide to kill pests if they come into direct contact with it.

However, peppermints do not provide any long-term protection from these pesky insects, which is a big drawback to this strategy. So, keep yourself informed about other people actively working to eliminate pests.

39. Silicone Oil

Silicone fragrances are oils that can be diffused across a room to deter bed bugs. This is because it emits odours that attract fewer bugs. Use it like you would bug spray.

Silicone oils have natural aromas, making them ideal for direct skin or fabric application. This fragrant oil is made from natural ingredients and is effective against parasites. If you use scented oil on your pet, keep it away from its eyes.

What Causes Bed Bugs?

Typically, bedbugs enter your home from an area where they are already present. They can come from another unit in your building if you reside in an apartment or condominium. They might ride along on a piece of upholstered secondhand furniture. Or you might bring them in on a piece of baggage or a pocketbook that you leave on the floor in a bedbug-infested area.

 Due to their small size and skill in hiding throughout the day, they can quickly enter your home without your knowledge.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Are homemade repellents effective?

Yes, but some are more effective than others. For example, some bed bug natural solutions and treatment methods instantly kill the pests, while others either persuade them to leave the area or deter them from entering.

How can I eliminate bed bug Eggs?

Heat has proven to be the most effective method for destroying the eggs. This entails extensively washing the items in boiling water and drying them in a high-heat setting. Use steam or a hairdryer to blast anything that can’t withstand that treatment.

What do their bite marks look like?

Heat has proven to be the most effective method for destroying the eggs. This entails extensively washing the items in boiling water and drying them in a high-heat setting. Use steam or a hairdryer to blast anything that can’t withstand that treatment.

In Conclusion

It may sound appealing to try home treatments to get rid of bed bugs if you have any DIY knowledge and believe you know what eliminates bed bugs. However, DIY bed bug control is just not recommended.

Even though specific home cures for bed insect control may seem successful, it’s improbable that they will solve the issue. Additionally, most home cures only address the visible bed bugs rather than the hidden bed bugs that are the main issue. You need expert assistance because to eradicate bed bugs; you must be able to locate where they are hiding.

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